About Us

Hazrat Sedigheh Tahereh
Charitable Association for Patients with Immunodeficiency

Association History

In the first half of 2007, Dr. Roya Sherkat, a Clinical Immunologist and Allergist specializing in Infectious and Tropical Diseases, took the initiative to establish a charitable organization. With the support of provincial benefactors, physicians, local officials, patients, and their families who stood by her during this challenging period, she envisioned creating a sanctuary for suffering children and their families.
Following initial efforts and after establishing the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, and appointing the CEO, the charitable organization was officially registered in 2008. The association, formally known as “Hazrat Sedigheh Tahereh (SA) Immunodeficiency Patients Charitable Support Association of Isfahan Province,” was registered as a non-governmental, non-profit organization with registration license number 27862/T/31281H and registration number 2454.

Mission and Objectives

  1. Provide financial and moral support to immunodeficiency patients, addressing their challenges particularly in diagnosis and timely treatment across Iran, with special focus on Isfahan Province.
  2. Raise public awareness about immunodeficiency disorders, including education about various types of these conditions and their prevention methods.
  3. Identify and establish a comprehensive database of immunodeficiency patients to assess their needs and requirements.
  4. Advocate for the classification of immunodeficiency disorders as special diseases in the healthcare system.
  5. Promote and develop extensive scientific research activities.
  6. Establish cultural and educational connections with immunodeficiency centers in Iran and worldwide to exchange knowledge and benefit from mutual educational, diagnostic, therapeutic, and cultural resources and experiences.
  7. Conduct fundamental clinical research to improve the national healthcare service system in meeting these patients’ needs.
  8. Identify and engage benefactors to achieve the association’s goals.
  9. Advance research and utilize existing resources while developing necessary facilities and methods for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of immunodeficiency disorders both domestically and internationally.
  10. Inform and engage government officials and parliament representatives to advocate for patients’ healthcare rights in identification, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
  11. Raise awareness about patients’ issues and challenges through mass media.
  12. Strive towards patient self-sufficiency and empowerment while supporting their social welfare.